Text works


Composition for three fan voices


Single channel audio file

Duration: 1 hour 33 minutes 22 seconds

Three separate recordings of the artist delivering real-time audio commentaries on Clive Barker’s cult horror film Hellraiser (1987) are played back simultaneously as a single channel audio file. Each of these commentaries has a different cadence and rhythm which cut across one another, resulting in a cacophonous chatter of voices. An excerpt is transcribed on the adjacent page.


Annotated two-bedroom unit, 2020, single channel video, 5 minutes 5 seconds

Commissioned for fine print magazine Issue 21: INTERIORS during a lockdown phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, this video work identifies various objects within the artist’s home as noteworthy artefacts from fictional narratives.

Composition for Akai MPC2000XL and rubber balls, 2013, single channel video, duration: 4 minutes 33 seconds

The drum pads of an Akai MPC2000XL sampler/sequencer are assigned various “boing” sound effects sourced from cartoons, which are triggered by rubber balls thrown at the device.


The Roy Ananda vs. Monte Masi Pecha Kucha Battle, SALA Forum, ACE Open, 2017